Sunday 26 August 2007

Venice (Venezia)

Our trip didn't start out on the best foot. The train in Avezzano was about two hours late and then once on board they told us it had some problems and we would have to get off. They would have a car to take us the rest of the way. So we made it to Pescara about 11:00 pm. We weren't quite sure how to get our next tickets so we picked the "Fast" option. Don't do that! We ended up sleeping in our chairs, 7 hours and still had to change trains to get to Venezia (Venice.)

We were able to check our bags in at our hotel so we could spend the morning around Venice. We grabbed some breakfast. It was somewhat of a relief that they spoke more English. We hopped on the vaporetto (water bus) and headed towards San Marco square. There were some cruise ships in port and the square was packed. We decided not to worry about going to the museum and Doge's palace. There were pigeons everywhere. People were having them eat right out of their hands. The clock tower is beautiful. It is the first in the world to have a digital clock.

We took David's advice, (my brother served here on his mission) and went across the way to San Giorgio Maggiore to go up this clock tower. There was hardly anyone there and the view was incredible. You could see all around the island. It was late morning and we were dragging. We head back to the hotel for a shower and a nap. Most of the cruise people should be gone in the afternoon as well.

It's amazing what a shower and a nap can do for ya! We started off to the Rialto Bridge. This bridge dates back to 1588. I had very specific shopping wants in Venezia; a mask, ties and glass jewelry. We checked all those items off the list as we wandered our way through the twist and turns of the "roads". You can just about walk from one end to the other in about an hour. Some of the churches had different exhibits on display. We found one with violins and violas. They also showed the tools on how they make them.

We decided that Venezia was great to visit, but it wasn't a place we would likely visit again.

No internet connection

As you my have noticed, we didn't have interent connection for the rest of our trip. We did find one place in Rome but they wanted a passport to have access. I will finished posting our trip over this week so you can have the full story.


James and I had to check out of the hotel Friday morning, which left me without a home for the day. He dropped me in the Piazza downtown and gave me a work cell phone. I thought this shouldn't be a problem, I can walk around and take a few pictures. Within minutes of dropping me off, some woman came up to me and started talking. Now what do you do? She finally caught on and asked if I understood, to which I replied, "Non Italiano." I must fit in pretty good.

I walked around taking pictures for a while and it started to get warm. I waited for a bench in the shade to sit down. No sooner than I sat down, than an old man came up and started to talk to me. I tried to tell him I didn't speak Italian. He couldn't hear very well and gave me the money sign of rubbing his thumb against his fingers. So he was either wanting money or propositioning me. I kept trying to telling him, no Italian and no, and he kept asking why. I finally got up and walked away.

So I was on my search for more shade. I found a closed restaurant with slab steps out of the way. It was away from the Piazza, so I thought I was safe. I saw this guy drive by and look at me. I thought, "You should just leave. No, I just found me a shady spot." So the guy parked and came up to me. Again, I tried to explain that I didn't speak Italian. He didn't care. He wanted me to go to coffee with him. So I tried to tell him I was waiting for my husband to call for lunch and I didn't drink coffee. This guy had to be about 25, he must be desperate. He sat down beside me and tried to brush up against me and started rubbing my back. I called to find James. He wasn't at his desk, so I told his boss that I had found a new "friend" and I couldn't get rid of him. His boss interpreted that to mean, that I was with my friends at the Piazza. The guy wanted my phone number, so I gave him James's boss's number. He called it to see if the phone rang. He then decided to just write down his number for me to call tomorrow. Sure, I'll call you tomorrow, and we parted ways. So I have an Italian guy's phone number if anyone wants it.

I called Rick Bunch, James's former boss who is now living in Avezzano, and asked if he knew where James was because I was done with walking around. I had been propositioned and had gotten a guy's phone number, I should be flattered right? I was a bit shaken up, I was more mad at myself for how I handled the situation. James and Rick came to my rescue and I spent the rest of the afternoon at Rick's house.

Thursday 16 August 2007

Audrey's here!

I made it to Italy! It's smaller than what I expected. The plane ride was so long! I was able to sleep for about 4 1/2 hours, that left 5 more hours. I studied Italian only to fly on a German airline and change planes in Munich. I could come up with French phrases but that doesn't help with German. The security guard at the security point started to talked to me about my carry on and I just was stumped. Do you say something in English or what do you do? You would think I could regurgitate something of German since Dad was always spouting something off to us as kids. I must have looked lost because he then told me in English.

August 15 is Ferragost,a holiday in Italy. Next to Christmas, Easter, and New Years, Ferragosto is one of the most celebrated holidays in Italy. It celebrates the rise of Mary up to heaven to join her son Jesus, taking her place by his side to look after those of us remaining here on Earth. It is a day of great festivities with celebrations in the streets and prayers to the Virgin Mary for thanks and support. All of Italy shuts down to celebrate Ferragosto.They say it's something like Thanksgiving. The traffic was bad from the airport to Avezzano until we passed the touristy turn off. We went to the Abbey of Montecassino. The drive alone would make anyone car sick with its tight turns and height. It was founded in 529 by St. Benedict. It has been destroyed and rebuilt about four times.

Nothing opens until about 7 pm to eat, so we went to the Piazza. They block the roads around it and people just start gathering around. I had my first gelato! It was incredible! Since it was a holiday the restuarants that James had eaten at before were closed. There was a Chinese place open, but I didn't come to Italy to eat Chinese. We ended up eating that the hotel.

Road Trip

Last weekend James and Rick Bunch drove to the Ferrari plant. They made stops in Sienna and Florence. That's James next to an Enzo Ferrari, red on red. He said that to own one you first have to be a Ferrari owner, then you put in an application and get your name on a list. If one comes available, they will then consider whether you are worthy to own one. That's probably as close to one as he'll ever get.

The picture of the castle on the hill is a tower of San Marino. San Marino is an independent republic within Italy. They have their own army, stamps and even can print their own money. I just think the picture is cool.

Mt Vesuvius

James drove to Mt Vesuvius the first weekend he was here. How cool is that to climb a volcano? Especially a famous one. OK, so it's inactive and there are plants growing at the bottom of the crater. Still, at one time this sucker wiped out a whole city. Take that Pompei.