Thursday 16 August 2007

Audrey's here!

I made it to Italy! It's smaller than what I expected. The plane ride was so long! I was able to sleep for about 4 1/2 hours, that left 5 more hours. I studied Italian only to fly on a German airline and change planes in Munich. I could come up with French phrases but that doesn't help with German. The security guard at the security point started to talked to me about my carry on and I just was stumped. Do you say something in English or what do you do? You would think I could regurgitate something of German since Dad was always spouting something off to us as kids. I must have looked lost because he then told me in English.

August 15 is Ferragost,a holiday in Italy. Next to Christmas, Easter, and New Years, Ferragosto is one of the most celebrated holidays in Italy. It celebrates the rise of Mary up to heaven to join her son Jesus, taking her place by his side to look after those of us remaining here on Earth. It is a day of great festivities with celebrations in the streets and prayers to the Virgin Mary for thanks and support. All of Italy shuts down to celebrate Ferragosto.They say it's something like Thanksgiving. The traffic was bad from the airport to Avezzano until we passed the touristy turn off. We went to the Abbey of Montecassino. The drive alone would make anyone car sick with its tight turns and height. It was founded in 529 by St. Benedict. It has been destroyed and rebuilt about four times.

Nothing opens until about 7 pm to eat, so we went to the Piazza. They block the roads around it and people just start gathering around. I had my first gelato! It was incredible! Since it was a holiday the restuarants that James had eaten at before were closed. There was a Chinese place open, but I didn't come to Italy to eat Chinese. We ended up eating that the hotel.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I'm sure jealous!! Hope you two have an absolutely wonderful adventure over there!